Monday 27 August 2012

New year, fresh start

More and more mentions are appearing about the new academic year. Everyone knows their results, be it GCSEs, A-Levels, or passing various years of university, and no matter what they were, the waiting is over and the multitudes of students know where they're going next. Everyone who hasn't had Glandular Fever, that is. *Grumble grumble* *Changes wrist bracelet is on*

In my experience, it is impossible not to make some sort of resolution when you start a new school year or even a new institute of education altogether. After all, is there anyone out there who failed to make the first page of every new exercise book exquisitely neat? (I always made an annual promise to faithfully underline everything in a different colour every day. This usually stopped long before I had run out of colours with which to do so).

There is something highly treasured in being offered a fresh start. Officially this offering is January 1st, and I'm sure many people do evaluate their life on this day. However I've always found students choose their own times to do so. At the end of the summer term, when you can review your year, and at the beginning of September, when the dazzling summer holiday obscures any sour memories from view, was always when I looked over certain aspects of my life.

The end of my first year and beginning of my second year at university, I've found, is no different in terms of my evaluation. There are many things I have decided I would like to achieve this term, and here are but a choice few:

  1. Actually get back into university. (Minor irritation of illness. Exams finally taken. Results on 10th Sept)
  2. Make my room mine. As previously posted, my room is gorgeous and I have been collecting for its decoration since mid-May.
  3. Move in! I'm going to be living with some wonderful people this year and I can't wait to be in the Fox House with them and sorting out all our grown-up troubles together.
  4. Get my hair back. It now seems odd that I first dyed my hair a few short months ago, it feels like I've been doing it forever. This is how the addiction starts, no doubt. But if it's not blue it just doesn't feel right, so this will be rectified.
  5. Have a wicked Fresher's Week. I'll be helping to try and successfully recruit for Ultimate Frisbee and Jazz, and I'm looking forward to meeting all the people. Also this year I'll know what's going on and should be able to make the most of Fresher's, as I won't be trying to orientate myself at the same time.
  6. Get a First in something.
  7. To achieve 6. I must do the reading before every lecture, do the work for every lecture, and type up the notes after every lecture. Without fail.
  8. Continue to be mildly sporty. Living further away from uni I intend to healthfully cycle to lectures and what-not, and with frisbee proper starting again in a few short weeks, I could not be more excited.
I'm sure that's enough to getting along with. Most of these are fairly short-term, and doubtless I will be making more once uni life really gets going again. Updates will follow with how everything's progressing, and any further resolutions!

Yours, Resolutely

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