A lot of my New Year's Resolutions were to do with worries I had before term was even due to start, and I am pleased to divulge that I have had some measure of success. Resolutions 1, 2, 3 and 4 are very much achieved, and lots of cycling plus a small portion of frisbee ensures resolution 8 is under-way too. My freshers week included both the first BOP! of the year, and pub golf for my frisbee captain's Birthday; I can tick off number 5 also.
With just resolutions 6 and 7 left to achieve, it means that it's time for real-life to resume. Freshers was fun, but I'm settled, I've got used to my house and lazing around in it, I'm ready for lectures to begin. (Possibly because I was lucky enough to have just one 9am a week). Completely new modules have me interested, and I might even have partaken in some course-related reading already... Here's hoping my new-found enthusiasm for work lasts, I'll be updating with new resolutions soon.
Yours, happily,
Fulfilling resolutions 4 and 5
Frisbee team pride
YAY! I am very much your disciple, and at your disposal! Have I mentioned I adore Ultimate? ;) x