Monday, 24 September 2012


Huddled in groups of fast-made friends, casting fearful looks at the older students, clutching NUS cards and accommodation keys, the Freshers are self-concious, but present. I'm glad. Freshers Fayre was as enjoyable for me this year as it was last year, scavenging just as much free food, the sunshine, playing with my Dixie band and having first-years clamouring to sign up for Ultimate Frisbee made it a wonderful day. Before this week I was proud that my recruit count for frisbee was already at 1, grace having become a faithful disciple after just two training sessions. I hadn't realised just how much of a precedent this was, until a further 200 students wanted to attend a training session...

A lot of my New Year's Resolutions were to do with worries I had before term was even due to start, and I am pleased to divulge that I have had some measure of success. Resolutions 1, 2, 3 and 4 are very much achieved, and lots of cycling plus a small portion of frisbee ensures resolution 8 is under-way too. My freshers week included both the first BOP! of the year, and pub golf for my frisbee captain's Birthday; I can tick off number 5 also.

With just resolutions 6 and 7 left to achieve, it means that it's time for real-life to resume. Freshers was fun, but I'm settled, I've got used to my house and lazing around in it, I'm ready for lectures to begin. (Possibly because I was lucky enough to have just one 9am a week). Completely new modules have me interested, and I might even have partaken in some course-related reading already... Here's hoping my new-found enthusiasm for work lasts, I'll be updating with new resolutions soon.

Yours, happily,

Fulfilling resolutions 4 and 5 

Frisbee team pride

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I am very much your disciple, and at your disposal! Have I mentioned I adore Ultimate? ;) x
